Soham Holistic Yoga Course
At Soham, we have developed a unique style of yoga called Soham Holistic yoga which gives more emphasis to the true vision of yoga than taking it just as a physical exercise. In the recent past, yoga was exported to the west and they made some structural changes, and being imported to India as new variations of yoga. This trend is very dangerous and it may spoil the true spirit of yoga. Yoga is more of spiritual exercise than physical though it is helpful to attain all physical benefits. Yoga has two parts – Hatha (Physical) and Raja (Inner). Hatha yoga explores the body field and Raja yoga explores the mind field, so yoga is the total understanding of life. At Soham, we highlight yoga as a learning process of life with body and mind as the field of activities. Asanas are mediation oriented physical exercise and it helps you attain health and well being at all levels of existence. So, we are very much pledged to follow yoga in the authentic way ; and spread the message of yoga keeping in mind the highest purpose of yoga which is to attain enlightment.
Soham Soul Space Meditation & Yoga Retreat
Nowadays yoga retreats have become very popular and it is like a worldly affair. Here, at Soham Soul Space Yoga retreat, we have a very unique concept about yoga retreat and it is not just another worldly trip, rather it is a short withdrawal from the thickness of all worldly activities; and live in the space of soul in order to enrich our life with love , happiness, health and harmony. All our worldly activities dissipates our vital energy deposit and unless on regular basis we find some means to recharge the body- mind mechanism being connected with our core being , we may fall sick physically and mentally. If we provide the right condition, the body can heal and rejuvenate itself. The body is such a perfect mechanism with great intelligence in operation to keep it healthy and functional. The only thing needed is we need to align with the laws of health and happiness. Internal relaxation, proper exercise (yoga), proper breathing (pranayama), healthy food and positive state of mind are the condition required for recuperating our health and well being. Accordingly, we have developed a Yoga retreat program which fulfills all these aspects of right living to help people regain their health and well being. The retreat is based on the holistic approach of yoga addressing all levels of existence so that you experience holistic health and happiness. The yoga style we follow is known as Soham Holistic Yoga which has been developed by Soham John after a long period of research and his personal experience of 20 years as a yoga teacher; also in consultation with eminent Masters and medical doctors to find the most suitable yoga style for the modern time. The yoga has just turned to be physical exercise and acrobatics in the modern time ignoring the great value of Yoga as a spiritual science, and the time tested practice to heal the diseases. Yoga is a meditation oriented practice to balance the flow of energy and activate the energy centers (Chakras) so that one experiences the fullness of life and bliss.
In this retreat, you will practice the scientific yoga with all its benefits of improving health as well as your expansion of consciousness. It is a journey from the outer (body) to the centre(spiritual heart) of your being to find your true self.
The duration of this retreat is 7days. The leader of the retreat-Soham John.
Time Table of Yoga Retreat
6 am - wake up. 6.30am to 7.30 am - meditation. 7.30 am to 9.00am - yoga practice. 9.00am to 10.00 am – Break-fast. 10.00am to 1.00pm- one on one sessions (yogic counselling, Reiki healing, Ayurveda treatment) 1.00pm to 2.00 pm -lunch. 2.00 pm to 4 pm -rest, study. 4.00 pm to 4.30 pm - tea /snacks. 4.30 pm to 6.00 pm - Satsang (Talk, discussion, meditation) 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm - Yoga nidra.(yogic relaxation) 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm - Dinner. 8.00 pm to 10.00 pm -personal study, diary writing etc. 10.00 pm. – Good night.
Each member will get one session of Yogic counselling and Reiki healing and Ayurveda treatment. Also included trekking, sightseeing and other recreation programs which will be arranged in between. Satsang topic for each day varies; following are some of the topics- Yoga –the science of health and spirituality. Happiness analysis. Action analysis.(Karma yoga) Goal orientation, relative goal and absolute goal. Meditation –the art of stabilizing in the Self. Access consciousness. Please register for this Soham Soul Space Yoga Retreat if you are ready for a positive transformational experience in life and expansion of consciousness. Are you ready? You are welcome.
Soham Meditation Orientation Course-
Actually, the entire practice of yoga is a preparation for meditation. The system of Yoga was evolved in ancient time as a spiritual science with the sole purpose of expansion of consciousness and help you attain the state of Samadhi. Sage Pathanjali , the father of yoga consider yoga as the study of consciousness. His famous text-Yoga Sutra- is an exploration of the field of consciousness revealing all dimensions of our existence and the summit of this journey ending in Samadhi. According to Pathanjali, the ultimate goal of human being is Samadhi , reaching to the level of infinite happiness and contentment. Meditation (Yoga) is the systematic way which helps you to explore, understand and transcend the various levels of existence and finally establish in your own true Self. Till then, there is no actual rest because of the restless movements of the mind (Chittavritti). Unless you have experienced the state of inner quietude and peace (which is the state of meditation) after one hour yoga class, you have not practiced yoga but some physical exercises. So yoga is essentially the practice of meditation or awareness. Soham meditation orientation course is an exclusive session for meditation training from the beginning level onwards. It is a 12 hours program conducted during the span of 12 days. The following topics are discussed in the course and one is guided to the genuine experience of meditation. 1, what is meditation? Scientific approach to the science of meditation. 2, How to start meditation? Details about the proper sitting (Asana) onwards…, the time, space, attitude and other factors of practical guidelines of meditation. 3, Is meditation a religious practice? Could an atheist practice meditation? 4, How the meditation cures various ailments? The scientific basis of meditation therapy. 5, the purpose and benefits of meditation. 6, Prayer and Meditation. 7, introduction and training into the following meditation techniques- A, Pranayama meditation. B, Breath awareness and Mindfullness meditation. C, Anahatadwani(the sound of silence) meditation. D, Self inquiry or Who am I meditation. E, Present moment awareness or power of Now meditation. F, Yoga nidra meditation. G, White light visualization meditation. H, Panchabhoota or 5 elements meditation. On completion of this 12 days meditation orientation course, one deemed to be the member of Soham Meditation Club. Thereafter, the member can participate in our regular online / off line meditation sessions. The membership can be renewed with a nominal fee of subscription. Occasionally, we arrange special seminars and workshops on meditation conducted by eminent Masters. Our mission is to highlight the value of meditation in the modern time to dissolve all internal crises.
Soham Holistic living Course-
It is the brand product of Soham which is a life transforming course imparting the essential knowledge of this new age to the humanity to ascend to the higher levels. It is conducted as a full day course of two days and there will be different levels. It is a unique health package consisting various ancient healing sciences with practical lessons to equip with a total understanding of life and help to adopt a new life style based on the Holistic vision.
Yoga Teachers Training Course
Yoga is in demand all over the world as it is being accepted as the right regime for physical fitness, stress relief, holistic health and spiritual progress. The qualified yoga teachers are still not enough to cope up with the demand of yoga. It is not just like a job rather it is a creative occupation for your own personal growth along with a source of income. Those who have genuine inclination to become a yoga teacher, we invite you to join this Yoga teachers training course at Soham. It is a residential course of four weeks. (200hrs yoga teacher’s course) Our school is registered with International Yoga Federation and certificates are internationally valid.
Curriculum of the Course-
(1) Concept of Yoga-
a, understanding Yoga, b, history of Yoga, c, definitions of Yoga, d, streams of Yoga, e, Hata and Raja Yoga, f, relevance of Yoga in the modern time. g, discussion on Yoga Philosophy (Ashtanga yoga based on Patanjali Yoga Sutras)
(2) Soham Holistic Yoga
a, concept of holistic yoga, b, unique features of Soham Holistic yoga.
(3) Hata Yoga-Asanas
a,stretching and loosening exercises, b, Sun salutation,
(4) Pranayama
a, discussion on Prana the life force, b,practice of 10 various pranayams with its benefits and limitations. c, pranayama –preparation for meditation.
(5) Meditation
a, meditation is the heart of Yoga b,meditation –the art of stabilizing in the Self. c, practicing various meditation techniques.
(6) Yoganidra
a, the art of relaxation, b, ultimate relaxation is the experience of transcendence, c, step by step practice of yoganidra.
(7) Bandha, mudra and kriya(shatkarma)
(8) Vedic (Mantra) Chanting-
(9) Nadis and Chakras
(10) Food and yoga (yoga diet)
(11) Integrated approach to Yoga therapy
(12) Teaching Methodologies
a, principles of teaching, b, the role of a yoga teacher, c, demonstration and observation, d, difference between yoga teacher and instructors, e, the professional ethics of yoga teacher, f, practical tips on yoga teaching.
Daily schedule- 5:30 Wake up 6:00 – 7:30 Yoga Techniques: Meditation, Mantra, Pranayama 7:30 – 7:45 Tea break 7:45 – 9:00 Yoga Techniques: Asana, Mudra, Bandha, Shatkarma 9:00 – 10:00 Light breakfast 10:00 – 11:00 Karma Yoga 11:00 -12:00 Yoga Lifestyle & Principles…………..Philosophy 12:00 – 2:00 Lunch & Free time 2:00 – 3:00 Anatomy & Physiology 3:30 – 4:00 Tea break 4:00 – 6:00 Teaching Methodologies/Asana Practice + Student Practicum 6:30 – 7:30 Dinner 7:30 – 8:30 Puja & Satsang with group meditation 8:30 – 10:00 Study (Mauna 9:00 PM – 7:00 AM next day) 10:00 Lights Out!
Well being workshop for Corporate
As you are aware, many corporate are nowadays introducing yoga in their companies to promote the holistic wellness and efficiency of its staff. Yoga is an effective tool to induce deep relaxation at the physical and mental levels healing the problems of stress and its allied ailments. It has been scientifically proved the benefits of yoga in order to improve the performance level thanks to its effect of keeping the mental poise and physical harmony even while facing the provoking and stressful situations of the working environment. Our Institute is very much specialised in conducting Yoga and stress management programs with unique style of practise considering the common health problems prevalent in the IT sector. We arrange the following yoga programs for the corporate at their premises-
Regular Yoga Class
-It is a continuing program of yoga classes of one hour regularly either for three days a week on alternative days or five days continuous course. The regular practise will keep the body fit and flexible and maintain the vital energy level.
Special Yoga Stress Management Programme
-It is usually conducted once in a month, an exclusive session for deeper relaxation with selected stretches. The duration of the session is two and half hours. The first part would focus on understanding of stress and the assessment of stress (physical/mental/ emotional) we are holding on ourselves. Then learning some yogic techniques, practised in a unique way followed by Yoga nidra(very deep relaxation)The practise is helpful to release all the accumulated stress from body and mind refreshing the whole being.. We are very glad to associate with you in conducting the Yoga programs for the benefits of your staff and executives. Hope you will consent to this proposal and invite me for a discussion with regard to the implementation of Yoga in your company.
Yoga Therapy Consultation & Training-
Yoga is widely accepted as a healing module considering its therapeutic benefits to heal the so called psycho somatic diseases. In yoga therapy session, clients can have consultation with the healer and will be guided to yoga therapy program with practical training in specified asanas, pranayam,kriya etc. We believe 40% of healing takes place mainly due to the yogic counseling helping the client to get in to the deeper understanding of life thereby developing the true vision of life. A unique yoga posture incorporates deep meditation state and this leads to peace and health. This technique also ensures purification of mind, aiding the person to live in resonance with his surroundings and people around him. Many diseases such as asthma, diabetes, arthritis, heart ailments, cancer etc are effectively treated with yoga.
Reiki Healing/ Attunement Sessions
Reiki is a holistic system of treatment used for healing oneself and others. Regular practice of Reiki dissolves blocks in life, helps to overcome tensions, worries and anxieties: and induces total relaxation of body, mind and emotions. It acts as a support to other systems of therapy and benefits both the healer and the healed. A reiki healing session is for 70 minutes and depending on the diseases, the session need to be repeated. Reiki attunement is a learning course, we teach the science of Reiki healing. There are three levels of teaching- Reiki attunement 1st degree, 2nd degree and 3rd degree or known as master degree.
Yogic Counseling-
It is an effective treatment to dissolve all mental blockages and emotional crisis based on the Self analysis of yogic wisdom. One sitting is for 70 minutes and depending on the inner crisis of the client, it is repeated. The yogic vision of life is imparted during the session and many mental issues are effectively healed with the true understanding of life.